The Rainstorm Blog

Breaking news, research, and insights

Hand Car Wash vs. Soft Brush Car Washes: Why Soft Brush Wins

Hand Car Wash vs. Soft Brush Car Washes: Why Soft Brush Wins

When it comes to maintaining your car's shine and health, the debate between hand car washes and soft brush car washes is a hot topic among vehicle enthusiasts. While hand car washes have their merits, a closer look reveals why automated car washes are increasingly...

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What the Best Car Washes Do That Others Don’t

What the Best Car Washes Do That Others Don’t

In the competitive world of car care, not all car washes are created equal. Car washes set themselves apart by offering a unique blend of quality, innovation, and customer service beyond the basic clean. Rainstorm Car Wash exemplifies these standards, rising above the...

DIY Car Wash vs. Rainstorm Car Wash: What’s the Better Choice?

DIY Car Wash vs. Rainstorm Car Wash: What’s the Better Choice?

Are you trying to decide between rolling up your sleeves for a DIY car wash or opting for a professional service? Yeah, we feel your dilemma. It's not just about the cost or convenience; it's about understanding each option's full spectrum of benefits and drawbacks....

From Washing to Waxing: Your Ultimate Guide to Car Paint Care”

From Washing to Waxing: Your Ultimate Guide to Car Paint Care”

Your car's paint is not just a protective layer; it's also a reflection of your pride and style. Keeping it in pristine condition not only enhances the vehicle's aesthetics but also protects its resale value. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore effective ways...

How Much Does a Car Wash Really Cost? A Comprehensive Guide

How Much Does a Car Wash Really Cost? A Comprehensive Guide

You've probably found yourself pondering, "How much is a car wash?" and budgeted it as a singular, occasional cost. But let's be honest: Life on the road doesn't hit pause after your car's been cleaned once. Whether it's the inevitable buildup of dirt, the sudden...

Top Car Wash Tips for Summer: Make Your Vehicle Shine

Top Car Wash Tips for Summer: Make Your Vehicle Shine

As the scorching summer sun bears down, the importance of keeping your car squeaky clean escalates. Automatic car washes provide an efficient and convenient approach to maintaining your vehicle's stunning appearance. To maximize your automatic car wash experience,...